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Information Technology Services

Installing Batch Programs

Batch programs can be installed and executed on two platforms, AppWorx and Banner. It is possible that an application may exist on both platforms due to scheduled as well as ad hoc execution requirements. This chapter provides instructions for the installation of batch processes on both AppWorx and Banner platforms.

Before installing a batch program, your SQL or UNIX script must have been developed, tested and approved. Refer to Chapter 3 for information on the creation of batch program files.

Banner Installation

Banner batch jobs are user-executable programs that can be submitted by an authorized user on demand. The customer logs into Internet Native Banner, enters the name of the job on the GUAGMNU form and runs the job from the resulting GJAPCTL form (along with parameters if needed).

In order to put your completed Banner program into production, you will need to assign your program a job name. The format for a job name is a three character prefix followed by a four-digit number (e.g. WSA1234). For UNF-created Banner jobs, the first character is always "W". The second and third characters represent the related Banner system and Banner module, respectively.

A list of Banner system codes is contained in the table WTIJSYS. The valid module codes for each system can be found in the database table WTIJMOD. For the number portion of the job name, each of the system areas has its own numbering scheme. To name your new program, consult the UNF Job Catalog in Banner Self-Service and choose a number that is not already in use.

Add your job to the job catalog. Refer to Chapter 3 for details on completing the catalog entry.

Before you can define your job to Banner, you must create default security records for it. To do this, log on to Banner INB. On the main menu (GUAGMNU), enter WIX5001 in the direct access field at the top of the form. This will place you in the Banner job submission form. Enter your new job name as the parameter and submit the job. Review the output to make sure the job successfully added the security records.

Now you can define the job to Banner. Access Banner job definition form GJAJOBS from GUAMNU.

  1. Enter the job name in the Process block
  2. Enter the job's title in the Title block
  3. Select the appropriate system designator from the System list
  4. Enter a description of the job's function in the Description area
  5. Select "Procedure" from the type list
  6. Select "Database" as the printer default and save

If your job accepts parameters, you will need to define them. Access Banner form GJAPDEF from GUAMNU.

  1. Enter the job name in the Process block
  2. Enter the parameter names to match the names defined in your program.

Now you can install your program on Hood (the production database server). Use the job name to name the UNIX file that contains your batch program. For SQL*Plus scripts, CSV Downloads, and SQL*Plus Reports, add an extension of ".sql." and save your program in the directory /home/norf/nfjobs/sql For a UNIX shell script do not add an extension and save your program in the directory /home/norf/nfjobs/exec.

The name of your UNIX script should always be in lower case. So, if we assume our example job WSA1234 is a SQL*Plus script, the program name will be wsa1234.sql.

You must always ensure that your program file has the correct UNIX file permissions. For the SQL files, the permissions should be set to the level 664. For UNIX shell scripts, the permission level should be set to 775. You can set permissions by entering the chmod command.

For sql programs:
chmod 664 jobname.sql

For UNIX shell script programs:
chmod 775 jobname

Banner jobs always require a second file to be placed on the server. The name of this file will be your job name plus the extension ".shl". This file will be placed in the directory /sct/banner/nfpo/norf/exe. This file name should be in lower case. So, in our example, the file will be wsa1234.shl.

The shell component is necessary to direct and format the output file (if any) and to meet Banner system requirements for job control. However, you do not have to code the file manually. Instead, you should copy the file from one of several template files located in the same directory. You determine which template file to copy based upon the type of program you created. Refer to Chapter 1 for information on the various batch program types.

  • For SQL*Plus scripts and SQL*Plus Report programs copy from the template unfsqlp.shl.
  • For typical CSV Download programs copy from the template unfcsvd.shl.
  • For UNIX shell script programs copy from the template unfexeca.shl.
  • For CSV Download programs where the download will be directed to a common network directory instead of the customer's Y drive, copy from the template unfcsvp.shl (This is rare).

Again, assuming our example job WSA1234 is a SQL*Plus script, we would copy the template file unfsqlp.shl by issuing the command:

cp unfsqlp.shl wsa1234.shl

The contents of the template files are identical except for one word (in bold in the example below). That word will match the template file name without the extension.

echo "$0 begins " `date` > $log
/home/norf/nfjobs/exec/unfsqlp "$UID" "$UIPW" "$ONE_UP" "$PROC" "$PRNT"
echo "$0 ends" `date` >> $log

The permission level for the shell file must be at level 775. 

Checklist for installing batch programs in Banner

  1. Determine a job name for your program.
  2. Insert the new job and description into the Job Catalog.
  3. Assign security to your job by running job WIX5001.
  4. Define your job to Banner on form GJAJOBS
  5. Define parameters for your job on form GJAPDEF.
  6. Name and save your program file

Copy the appropriate shell script from the shell templates.