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University Development and Alumni Engagement

Foundation Scholarships

Through the generosity of many individuals, alumni, local philanthropists, non profit organizations and corporations, the University of North Florida Foundation has established academic merit and financial need-based scholarships for UNF students. Scholarship support provides students an opportunity to obtain a college education without incurring some of the financial hardships that can come with earning a degree. The support helps students fulfill many dreams and goals while participating in life changing experiences.

The UNF Foundation Scholarships office has implemented a new scholarship management system, AcademicWorks, that allows students to view their eligible scholarships, apply online and manage the acceptance process. To be considered for a Foundation Scholarship, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Complete the Data Sharing Consent Form

Each year, students must complete the data sharing consent form to be considered for any Foundation scholarship. This includes renewal of an existing scholarship. Once the form is complete, it takes 24 hours for student data to be updated in Academic Works. To access and complete the form:
  • Click here: Data Consent Page
  • Log into myWings
  • Click on the Data Consent with UNF Foundation Scholarship link.
  • Fill out the form and click submit at the bottom.

Step 2: Visit UNF Academic Works

Complete the general application along with any applications from the colleges and units. It is important to note that student information is not immediately updated in the AcademicWorks system once the data consent form is complete. Students will have access to AcademicWorks but all eligible scholarships will not appear until the following day. It is recommended to wait until the following day once completing the data consent form to log into AcademicWorks so that ALL potential scholarships appear.  

For questions regarding Foundation Scholarships or AcademicWorks, contact

  • How do I apply for a specific scholarship in AcademicWorks?

    By filling out both the Data Sharing Consent Form and AcademicWorks general application, students are automatically matched as potential applicants for Foundation scholarships for which they meet the basic qualifications.

    Some scholarships require students to submit additional materials such as a resume, letter of recommendation, etc. to apply. Students may apply for these scholarships after they fill out the AcademicWorks general application by clicking on “Other Recommended Opportunities” listed on the left side of the webpage.

  • How do I know if I have been selected for a Foundation scholarship?

    Students selected for a Foundation scholarship will receive an email sent to their UNF email directly from AcademicWorks. The email will include information on the scholarship for which they’ve been selected and a link to submit required post-acceptance scholarship materials needed to process the award.

  • When is the deadline to apply for scholarships?

    Most Foundation scholarships are awarded during the spring and summer terms before the start of the upcoming academic year. Foundation scholarships are managed by many different UNF departments that may have their own individual scholarship deadlines. General financial need-based and academic merit scholarships do not have a set deadline. Students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible as these awards are highly competitive.

    Students may also find information on scholarships specific to their major through the following links:

    Academic Affairs
    Brooks College of Health
    Coggin College of Business
    College of Arts and Sciences
    College of Computing, Engineering and Construction
    College of Education and Human Services 
    Hicks Honors College

  • When will my scholarship disburse?

    After a student is offered a Foundation scholarship and they submit their required scholarship post-acceptance materials, the scholarship will take about 3-4 days to post to their financial aid. Scholarship awards will disburse as one lump sum about 2-3 weeks into the start of the semester for which the student has been awarded.

  • How can I review my scholarship requirements?
    Students receiving a Foundation scholarship may view their scholarship requirements through the following steps:
    1. Login to AcademicWorks
    2. Click on the “My Applications” tab at the top of the page 
    3. Scroll down to the section labeled “Current
    4. Under the “Current” section, click on the scholarship name. Scholarships will be labeled as “Post-Acceptance for (Scholarship Name)” 
    5. Click on the tab in the top right of the page labeled “Offer Letter” 
  • How do I renew my scholarship?

    Scholarship renewals take place during the summer term before the upcoming academic year. Students eligible to renew their scholarship will receive an email from AcademicWorks with next steps needed to renew their award.