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University Development and Alumni Engagement

Presidential Envoys


The members of the Presidential Envoys are the recognized student leaders of UNF who serve as student ambassadors to the Alumni Association and the Office of the President. Founded in 1985, they provide outstanding service to the campus and community and possess strong leadership and communication skills that will transition them from students to successful alumni.

Meet our 2024-2025 Presidential Envoys Executive Board:

President: Alissa Vani

VP of Programming: Jalen Echenique

VP of Marketing: Sofia Fernandez de la Reguera

VP of Administration: Kamare Best

VP of Recruitment: Kayla Nation

Envoy of the Year: Akintoye Oyedola

What do the Presidential Envoys do?

Presidential Envoys is an organization that provides student leaders with the opportunity to participate in events sponsored by the Alumni Association, the Office of the President, and University Development and Alumni Engagement. Members are committed to completing a number of campus and community service events per semester. Envoy participation helps the University offer more quality events for alumni, friends, faculty and staff while providing networking opportunities for the members. Responsibilities of Presidential Envoys include serving as ambassadors at campus events, assisting the Office of Alumni Engagement and coordinating campus-wide community service to rally other students as well as alumni, faculty and staff together in a joint effort.

Presidential Envoys offers a wide variety of activities and membership benefits, there is something for EVERYONE! From leadership opportunities, socials, networking and mentoring opportunities - you can find it all in Presidential Envoys.

Who can join the Presidential Envoys?

All UNF students in good academic standing are eligible to apply for membership. Applications are invited from the student body at-large and require an explanation of the applicant's desire to serve the University. 

What is the application process like?

Members are selected through a written application and interview process. Personality, participation in campus activities, dependability and ability to represent the University and its President in a positive manner are also considered. Each new group of Envoys will complete a training session which includes an overview of the University's history and organizational structure, familiarity with campus locations, protocol, etc. Presidential Envoys are honored to serve as ambassadors for the University as well as our fellow students, alumni and community and we look forward to welcoming you on board!

Questions? Interested in learning more? Please contact the Presidential Envoys President at or on Instagram at @unfenvoys.

Presidential Envoys Benefits:

  • Networking with alumni and distinguished University guests
  • Mentoring opportunities
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Community service opportunities
  • Lasting friendships

Presidential Envoy Requests:

In an effort to equip our Presidential Envoys to be top-tier ambassadors for the University, we have made some changes to the program to reinforce its mission and goals. Going forward, the Envoys will only be able to support events sponsored by the President's Office and University Development and Alumni Engagement - these events alone are more than 40 in a year. Our university is growing, and while the Envoys would love to support all of the wonderful events happening across our campus we, do not have the capacity do so. We would encourage other departments looking for campus ambassadors to reach out to volunteer student organizations within your unit. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you again for your support!