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Coggin College of Business
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Study Abroad Funding

One of the most common questions students ask about studying abroad is "How can I afford this?" UNF believes in study abroad as a powerful transformational academic experience and wants this opportunity to be available to all students. UNF faculty and staff keep study abroad program costs as low as possible, charging neither application nor processing fees, and several scholarships are available each semester.

Note: Students participating in faculty-led programs, please refer to the International Center with any questions regarding fees or payments that should be made to UNF.

  • Existing Student Financial Aid

    Financial aid packages students already receive through UNF also apply to UNF study abroad programs as long as the courses taken fulfill degree requirements. This means that Florida Bright Futures, Florida Prepaid, federal Pell Grants, and institutional scholarships may help pay for a semester in Argentina, a summer in China, or two years in France! Students should contact UNF's Financial Aid Office as early as possible to confirm that their financial aid can be used toward study abroad.

    Beyond existing aid packages, the financial tips below have been helpful for students preparing to travel overseas. Be sure to begin preparing early; the more effort students put into finding funding, the more funding they find!