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UNF MedNexus Research Innovation Fund

The MedNexus Research Innovation Fund aims to support faculty conducting research that integrates emerging technology to improve health outcomes, delivery of care, or direct clinical impact.



Tenured and tenure earning faculty across disciplines are encouraged to apply. Collaboration across departments and with other colleges is encouraged. 

Scope of Funding

Five proposals will be funded up to $20,000 each. Faculty salary support is not the primary focus of this funding mechanism and should be limited to no more than 20% of the total budget request. Funds may be used for equipment, patient/participant costs, materials and supplies, high-impact manuscript publication costs, and personnel (including students).


Applications will include a brief paragraph on the study, specific aims for this funding, a brief budget and budget justification, and NIH-style biosketch for each faculty investigator.

Review Process

Applications will be reviewed by the MedNexus leadership team with additional review by UNF faculty with relevant experience. Applicants may be asked to meet and answer additional questions about the proposal.
Reviewers will consider the following criteria when scoring proposals:
  • Scientific rigor
  • Inclusion of student assistance (undergraduate or graduate)
  • Clear plan for high-impact manuscript publication and/or patents.
  • Potential for impact on health and biomedical outcomes


The proposal window opens on March 1, 2024, and closes April 1, 2024. Finalists will be notified and scheduled for in-person interviews by April 19, 2024. Final awards will be announced by May 1, 2024, and funding will be available by July 2, 2024 (due to Workday transition). Funding must be used within one academic year. Faculty awarded an MedNexus Research Innovation Fund grant will be eligible to submit for a future award two academic years after receipt of the initial award.


Awardees must:
  • submit a progress report six months after award and a final report.
  • present a poster or panel presentation at the Annual UNF Healthcare Symposium in October.
  • Coordinate with Marketing and Communication to showcase scholarship through media.